Monday, March 24, 2003

Now it's all working. The menu links all the pages. And all the pages exist.

The next thing to do is to write the content for this page so that it acts as an updatable introduction to the web site.
My definition of Effective Journalism is untimed collaborative publishing enironment that makes content available to the public by fully effective use of modern media.

"Effective" means influential, able to induce change, bringing an advantage.

Un-timed means there are no fixed quarterly, monthly, weekly or daily editions. When there is little news is little news is published, but more analysis and backgrounders are published and vice versa.

Collaborative means that there are at least two parties are involved, the journalist andt the editor, and may invlove the full panoply of traditional publishing

Publish means make known to the public as opposed to selected or known recipients. In other words you never know who is going to be exposed to the content. The content might be any publishable content incliding text, drawings, music, phone calls, videos, Javascripts or computer code.

"Modern media" means telephony, various wireless technologies, and the Internet. "Journalism" is the weakest link here if you look at the dictionary. Should I be saying "Effective Publishing"? And then there is another word that is used when you are trying to topsy-turvy things: Extreme Science and Exterme Programming.. So how about Extreme Publishing

Last Things First

Well, I guess it should be "Last things Second" since this is the second section. If you are starting a publishing empire first you do a lot of stuff and at last you being publishing something.

With Extreme Publishing you start the other way around. You publish first and then do the organizing. The idea is that oif people like your idea they will come on board and the thing will get going. If they don't like your idea, then it's up to you to give up or improve it.

So the first thing you notice is that what you are reading is a web page and that you can add comments and that this "story" is being published hours after it was dreamed up.

So one of the essential elements of Extreme Publishing are listed in the Features and Benefits below.

The second thing is that the essence of Extreme Publishing is that it is merely a medium in the sence that a newspsaper, magaaines and btroadcasts are different media for expressing content. Content is still queen. It is a modern media, for sure. You might want to create your content using handwriting. So I give you a tablet PC you write, then I transform your text into the speech appearing to coming from an on-screen avatar. It may look great, but still garbage on, garbage off.

This web page provides an introduction to running a "web log" -- which has come to be called "blogging".

A web log is
Home (Web Log)

Try It



Every page on this web site can be edited from any browser on any computer in the world by a non-technical person.

It's beginning to work! The beginning a of a fully on-line public-ette. I am saying this because I have even made the menu into a blog.
this is another one...
This is the second post.

Just testing.

lorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt, ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

Sunday, March 23, 2003

This is the first post...

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

There are two main web log programs that are available at no charge over the Internet . The most popular one is Blogger. Probably the most powerful one is Movabletype. This demonstration web site covers the Blogger program.
Like any good web log system, Blogger allows you to insert links into your text such as this one: Google News. You can also use boldfaced text as well as Italics. In fact, you can use any HTML inside a posting .
As with all good web logs systems, Blogger allows you to change appearance without changing the content. I chose this current template from a very long list of available templates. You can change the way any Blogger web log looks in a few minutes without changing one word of any of the articles or topics.
The normal Blogger web site does not allow you to add comments to an existing topic. I believe you can do this, however, was add-on software. One other disadvantage is that you cannot easily preview a file written by somebody else before it is actually published to the website. This makes Blogger less useful in a collaborative situation where there are journalists and editors.
This little website is a demonstration of the blogger web log system. Blogger is the most popular web log program currently operating in the world. It is very easy to setup , and quite easy to use. With Blogger, you must edit your pages on the Blogger website. The editor is easy to use and has quite a number of features. You have two choices as to where your web log will be. You can use BlogSpot which is a website they provide a post a web log. If you don't mind banner advertising, this can be free . For for a small charge per month you can have a web log with no advertising. The second method is to have the web log on a normal web site. This particular demonstration is set up on one of my web sites.